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Spend time instead of money on your happiness

imagesIdle hands are the devil’s playthings, as the story goes. One way spare time can harm one’s life is financially. Consider the numerous things you buy in the course of ” finding something to do, ” like when you’re window- shopping, or ” browsing, ” the stores. How many of us have music CDs and movie DVDs that have become irrelevant simply because of the ease of streaming media these days. Think of all the money you’ve spent on those now nearly- irrelevant things. In reality, it’s not necessary to always spend money in the quest for having something to do.

You’ve likely heard that ” the best things in life are free. ” While that might not always be the case, it’s a statement that contains a great deal of truth nonetheless. Determining what you truly love, that genuinely enhance your life, is a key part of living that truth. Try new things, and decide what you genuinely like doing. Find what makes you happier; find things you can share with others. Then, if need be, invest some money in those things, rather than in the irrelevant. You can’t go to a movie for free, and you can’t watch one at home free of charge. But, you can pay less for the ability to see those movies at home, encourage people to join you, and save money in the process.

You may ask how you can know what is or isn’t irrelevant. That’s easy to answer. If you try it, and you don’t like it, don’t do it. Do what you do like, and keep trying new things. You’ll expand your horizons, you’ll live happier, and you’ll save money, all at the same time.

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Payday lenders that don’t have a storefront are risky

An increasing number of consumers are relying on payday loans to see them through tough financial times. Taking out one of these loans at the brick and mortar location of a payday lender is fraught with pitfalls, but those risks become even greater when the consumer chooses an online payday loan.

These online cash advances can seem like the perfect answer. The funds are made available almost immediately and no credit check is required. Unfortunately, the terms of most online payday loans are rarely straightforward.

Online lenders are great at making promises, but they usually don’t share a lot of concrete information. For instance, many of these sites do not post a privacy policy, nor have they enacted sufficient security measures to safeguard the consumer’s personal information. This means that highly sensitive personal information about the consumer, like their Social Security Number, address, bank account information and employment records, are all being transmitted over the Internet without proper encoding. The consumer is thereby allowing some of their most sensitive data to be leaked to a lender who may be engaged in shady business practices and also any third parties with whom the lender chooses to share the information.

It can also be difficult to deduce who the ultimate payday loan lender is. Many of these websites do not provide a physical address or a phone number. Many do not make it clear whether or not they are licensed to operate in certain states, nor do they properly disclose the annual percentage rates on the loans. In many cases, the percentage rate is commonly in the range of 625% to 780%. However, this fact is not made known to the consumer until after they have applied. By then, the payday lender has the consumer’s bank account information. This makes it easy for them to deposit the funds from the loan, but it also grants them access to remove money from the account as well. Some of these lenders will automatically renew the loan every payday, and make it virtually impossible for the consumer to stop the process.

Online payday loans often skirt state and federal laws and are known to take advantage of people who are struggling financially. If a payday loan is necessary, look for a lender with a real physical location that is more likely to be accessible for questions and complaints and less likely to disappear overnight.

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Earning More out of a Savings Account


Nowadays, ordinary savings accounts don’t give the best yields as they are typically used simply as a cash repository. In most instances, interest rates can be as low as half a percent of one percent. This can mean only a few cents per one hundred dollars saved. While prospects are small, there are good ways to earn back a few dollars more than a typical account.

First of all, not all banks give small yields. It’s always best to do some research beforehand. Even a difference of a quarter of a percentage can mean the difference between one or ten dollars in the future. Many account holders have found that online banking rates are much better since these companies usually have less overhead costs.

The interest rate is one thing, the banking fees is another. Many banks have hidden charges that add up over time and take away a big portion of the account’s earnings. There are new regulations concerning these hidden fees, so it’s not unusual to find a new type of savings account without these needles expenses.

Regardless of whether or not the interest rate is low or high, the account won’t earn any money without regular deposits. A monthly deposit made right after a paycheck receipt is the best way to increase the savings account’s earnings without too much hassle.

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How to Avoid a Bad Mortgage


mortgageMany mistakes made by new homeowners during the 2008 financial crisis can easily be avoided with a few common sense tips that everyone should know. These tips can be a lifesaver when it comes to acquiring a good mortgage without resorting to heavy borrowings.

During last decade’s housing bubble, many inexperienced buyers made the mistake of buying a home that was well beyond their means. Just because the bank will sign off on the papers doesn’t mean that it’s a good buy. Buyers nowadays can avoid this problem by limiting their mortgage payments to a quarter of what they earn monthly.

Some buyers don’t actually live in the properties they purchase. Instead, they gamble on the fact that they can sell off their newly purchased home in the future for a profit. Of course, this turned out poorly for those who bought into the housing bubble. New homeowners should bet on the property’s current value instead of hoping that it will increase in the future.

Those with active mortgages can actually lower their monthly rates if they wish to refinance their existing liabilities. This can help a homeowner manage his household finances while still maintaining a good piece of property. In any case, new home buyers should consider their finances first before looking at properties they know they can’t afford.


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The Basics of Life Insurance Policies

If it’s your first time looking at life insurance, then chances are you’re going to go for the term insurance. This is the most basic kind of policy, and is easy to understand. The ” term ” in its name denotes that it is for a fixed period of time, usually five, 10, 20 or even 30 years.

Some agencies have automatically renewing policies. This makes it legal for them to continue to collect premiums from you without question. This might not be such a problem for 20- year policies, but for a shorter term contract, it can be very frustrating to find out that you’re still paying the company something you never agreed to in the first place.

Other agencies will try to intimidate you into getting a longer term policy by saying that you’ll have to re- qualify after the initial term is over. They’ll say that there’s a chance you won’t get the new policy due to health or legal issues. In reality, if you’ve passed the first qualifying test, then chances are you’ll pass the same one a few years from now.

Just because a term insurance is easier to understand doesn’t mean you should go for it immediately. There are other variations of this contract depending on the company. Your best bet is to ask for more options aside from the basic contracts. You’d be surprised at the number of potentially more beneficial policies there are nowadays.